Implemented Portfolios Target Market Determinations
Effective 5th October 2021, the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime requires Issuers and Distributors of financial products to have an adequate product governance framework to ensure these products are targeted at the right people.
DDO requires Product Issuers (such as Implemented Portfolios) and Product Distributors (such as financial advisers and AFS Licensees) to adhere to a new set of obligations when engaging in retail product distribution.
These Obligations include, but are not limited to -
- Ensure personal advice is provided
- Ensure the distribution of products is consistent with the Target Market Determination (TMD)
- Notify the Product Issuer of any Significant Dealings or complaints about their product
- Report to Product Issuers on any other information specified in a TMD
- Keep relevant records of distribution information
Our Target Market Determinations (TMDs) are available below -
View our Individually Managed Account Service TMDs
To view the Definitions relevant to our TMD’s, please click HERE.
When notifying Implemented Portfolios of any complaints relating to product design, product availability or distribution, distributors must provide details of the Complaint by completing the Complaints Reporting Template within 10 business days following the end of each calendar quarter.
To download our Complaints Reporting Template, please click HERE.
Once completed, please forward to for the attention of the DDO Management Committee.